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Assessment for IEEExplore by St. Clair - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for HeinOnline by St. Clair - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for Statista by St. Clair - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for Credo Reference by Humber - Module 4: Content
Assessment for Credo Reference by Humber - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for Credo Reference by Humber - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for Credo Reference by Humber - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for Oxford Reference by Humber - Module 4: Content
Assessment for ODESI by Fanshawe - Module 4: Content
Assessment for ODESI by Fanshawe - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for ODESI by Fanshawe - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for ODESI by Fanshawe - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for R2 Library by McMaster University - Module 4: Content
Assessment for R2 Library by McMaster University - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for R2 Library by McMaster University - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for WARC by Humber - Module 4: Content
Assessment for R2 Library by McMaster University - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for Oxford Reference by Humber - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for Oxford Reference by Humber - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for WARC by Humber - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for WARC by Humber - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for SAE Journals by Centennial - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for WARC by Humber - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for 4 Seasons of Reconciliation by Confederation - Module 4: Content
Assessment for 4 Seasons of Reconciliation by Confederation - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for 4 Seasons of Reconciliation by Confederation - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for Oxford Reference by Humber - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for 4 Seasons of Reconciliation by Confederation - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for Medline (OVID) by McMaster University - Module 4: Content
Assessment for Medline (OVID) by McMaster University - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for British Online Archives by University of Toronto - Module 4: Content
Assessment for GlobalData Explorer by Humber - Module 4: Content
Assessment for GlobalData Explorer by Humber - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for GlobalData Explorer by Humber - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for GlobalData Explorer by Humber - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for Medline (OVID) by McMaster University - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for Medline (OVID) by McMaster University - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for HeinOnline by St. Clair - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for Statista by St. Clair - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for IEEExplore by St. Clair - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for Oxford Handbooks Online by Georgian - Module 4: Content
Assessment for Oxford Handbooks Online by Georgian - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for Common Craft by Georgian - Module 4: Content
Assessment for Common Craft by Georgian - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for British Online Archives by University of Toronto - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for MIGRA's Canadian Export Guide by Conestoga - Module 4: Content
Assessment for JoVE Science Education Library by Seneca - Module 4: Content
Assessment for Prehospital and Disaster Medicine by Centennial - Module 4: Content
Assessment for Advanced Technology & Aerospace Database by Conestoga - Module 4: Content
Assessment for MIGRA's Canadian Export Guide by Conestoga - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for Prehospital and Disaster Medicine by Centennial - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for Africa Commons by University of Toronto - Module 4: Content
Assessment for Africa Commons by University of Toronto - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for Africa Commons by University of Toronto - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for MIGRA's Canadian Export Guide by Conestoga - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for Advanced Technology & Aerospace Database by Conestoga - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for Prehospital and Disaster Medicine by Centennial - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for MIGRA's Canadian Export Guide by Conestoga - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for Advanced Technology & Aerospace Database by Conestoga - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for Advanced Technology & Aerospace Database by Conestoga - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for JoVE Science Education Library by Seneca - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for Prehospital and Disaster Medicine by Centennial - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for AccessMedicine by Northern Ontario School of Medicine University (NOSM) - Module 4: Content
Assessment for Windows Wear by Seneca - Module 4: Content
Assessment for British Online Archives by University of Toronto - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for Windows Wear by Seneca - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for JoVE Science Education Library by Seneca - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for Avery Index to Architectural Periodicals by Conestoga - Module 4: Content
Assessment for Avery Index to Architectural Periodicals by Conestoga - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for Passport GMID Academic by Seneca - Module 4: Content
Assessment for Passport GMID Academic by Seneca - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for Passport GMID Academic by Seneca - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for Passport GMID Academic by Seneca - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for JoVE Science Education Library by Seneca - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for Avery Index to Architectural Periodicals by Conestoga - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for British Online Archives by University of Toronto - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for Avery Index to Architectural Periodicals by Conestoga - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for Building Types Online by Conestoga - Module 4: Content
Assessment for Building Types Online by Conestoga - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for Building Types Online by Conestoga - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for AccessMedicine by Northern Ontario School of Medicine University (NOSM) - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for AccessMedicine by Northern Ontario School of Medicine University (NOSM) - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for AccessMedicine by Northern Ontario School of Medicine University (NOSM) - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for Sage Premier Journals by Durham - Module 4: Content
Assessment for Sage Premier Journals by Durham - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for Sage Premier Journals by Durham - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for Sage Premier Journals by Durham - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for Africa Commons by University of Toronto - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for Oxford World's Classics by University of Toronto - Module 4: Content
Assessment for Automotive Video On Demand (AVI On Demand) by Centennial - Module 4: Content
Assessment for Automotive Video On Demand (AVI On Demand) by Centennial - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for Oxford Handbooks Online by Georgian - Module 4: Content
Assessment for Oxford Handbooks Online by Georgian - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for Oxford Handbooks Online by Georgian - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for Oxford Handbooks Online by Georgian - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for The Charelston Advisor by Centennial - Module 4: Content
Assessment for The Charelston Advisor by Centennial - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for The Charelston Advisor by Centennial - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for Common Craft by Georgian - Module 4: Content
Assessment for The Charelston Advisor by Centennial - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for Academic Search Premier by St. Clair - Module 4: Content
Assessment for Academic Search Premier by St. Clair - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for Academic Search Premier by St. Clair - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for Academic Search Premier by St. Clair - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for Common Craft by Georgian - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for Oxford World's Classics by University of Toronto - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for Common Craft by Georgian - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for CDX Learning Systems (CDX Automotive/CDX Heavy Vehicle) by Centennial - Module 4: Content
Assessment for Common Craft by Georgian - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for Oxford World's Classics by University of Toronto - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for Oxford World's Classics by University of Toronto - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for ASTM by Durham - Module 4: Content
Assessment for ASTM by Durham - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for ASTM by Durham - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for ASTM by Durham - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for CDX Learning Systems (CDX Automotive/CDX Heavy Vehicle) by Centennial - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for Automotive Video On Demand (AVI On Demand) by Centennial - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for CDX Learning Systems (CDX Automotive/CDX Heavy Vehicle) by Centennial - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for Transparent Language by Humber - Module 4: Content
Assessment for Transparent Language by Humber - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for Transparent Language by Humber - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for Transparent Language by Humber - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for Videatives by Mohawk - Module 4: Content
Assessment for Videatives by Mohawk - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for Videatives by Mohawk - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for SAGE Business Cases by Mohawk - Module 4: Content
Assessment for SAGE Business Cases by Mohawk - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for SAGE Business Cases by Mohawk - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for SAGE Business Cases by Mohawk - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for Windows Wear by Seneca - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for Windows Wear by Seneca - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for Stash Media Collection by Seneca - Module 4: Content
Assessment for Stash Media Collection by Seneca - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for CDX Learning Systems (CDX Automotive/CDX Heavy Vehicle) by Centennial - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for Automotive Video On Demand (AVI On Demand) by Centennial - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for Stash Media Collection by Seneca - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for GoinGlobal by Conestoga - Module 4: Content
Assessment for Stash Media Collection by Seneca - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for GoinGlobal by Conestoga - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for Videatives by Mohawk - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for ALLDATA Collision by Centennial - Module 4: Content
Assessment for GoinGlobal by Conestoga - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for GoinGlobal by Conestoga - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for ALLDATA Collision by Centennial - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for ALLDATA Collision by Centennial - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for ALLDATA Collision by Centennial - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for SpringerLink Journals by Seneca - Module 4: Content
Assessment for SpringerLink Journals by Seneca - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for ACM Digital Library by Fanshawe - Module 4: Content
Assessment for ACM Digital Library by Fanshawe - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for ACM Digital Library by Fanshawe - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for ACM Digital Library by Fanshawe - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for ASME Standards by Durham - Module 4: Content
Assessment for ASME Standards by Durham - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for ASME Standards by Durham - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for ASME Standards by Durham - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for Grove Music Online by Mohawk - Module 4: Content
Assessment for Grove Music Online by Mohawk - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for Fliptster by Northern - Module 4: Content
Assessment for Grove Music Online by Mohawk - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for SpringerLink Journals by Seneca - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for Fliptster by Northern - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for Fliptster by Northern - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for Grove Music Online by Mohawk - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for SpringerLink Journals by Seneca - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for Reuters Newsfilm for Education by Seneca - Module 4: Content
Assessment for Reuters Newsfilm for Education by Seneca - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for Reuters Newsfilm for Education by Seneca - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for Reuters Newsfilm for Education by Seneca - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for Techstreet by Mohawk - Module 4: Content
Assessment for Techstreet by Mohawk - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for Techstreet by Mohawk - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for Techstreet by Mohawk - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for eCommerce Insights by Algonquin - Module 4: Content
Assessment for eCommerce Insights by Algonquin - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for eCommerce Insights by Algonquin - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for eCommerce Insights by Algonquin - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for IBISworld by Algonquin - Module 4: Content
Assessment for IBISworld by Algonquin - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for IBISworld by Algonquin - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for IBISworld by Algonquin - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for Building Types Online by Conestoga - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for Faulkner Advisory on Info Tech Studies - FAITS by George Brown - Module 4: Content
Assessment for ABI/INFORM Global by Fanshawe - Module 4: Content
Assessment for ed.flicks by Fanshawe - Module 4: Content
Assessment for ABI/INFORM Global by Fanshawe - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for ABI/INFORM Global by Fanshawe - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for ed.flicks by Fanshawe - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for ABI/INFORM Global by Fanshawe - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for ed.flicks by Fanshawe - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for ed.flicks by Fanshawe - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for Marlene Mendonca by George Brown - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for Films on Demand by Lambton - Module 4: Content
Assessment for Films on Demand by Lambton - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for Films on Demand by Lambton - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for Marlene Mendonca by George Brown - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for Films on Demand by Lambton - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for Faulkner Advisory on Info Tech Studies - FAITS by George Brown - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for The Map as History by Mohawk - Module 4: Content
Assessment for The Map as History by Mohawk - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for The Map as History by Mohawk - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for The Map as History by Mohawk - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for Libguides by St. Clair - Module 4: Content
Assessment for Libguides by St. Clair - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for Libguides by St. Clair - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for Libguides by St. Clair - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for Fliptster by Northern - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for Materials Science Collection by Northern - Module 4: Content
Assessment for College Complete eBook Collection by Fleming - Module 4: Content
Assessment for College Complete eBook Collection by Fleming - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for Canada Commons by Humber - Module 4: Content
Assessment for College Complete eBook Collection by Fleming - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for Canada Commons by Humber - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for Canada Commons by Humber - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for College Complete eBook Collection by Fleming - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for Canadian Major Dailies Recent Searches Selected Items My Research and Language Selection by St. Clair - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for Materials Science Collection by Northern - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for Canada Commons by Humber - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for Canadian Major Dailies Recent Searches Selected Items My Research and Language Selection by St. Clair - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for PressReader by Centennial - Module 4: Content
Assessment for Natural Medicines by Humber - Module 4: Content
Assessment for Natural Medicines by Humber - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for Canadian Major Dailies Recent Searches Selected Items My Research and Language Selection by St. Clair - Module 4: Content
Assessment for Canadian Major Dailies Recent Searches Selected Items My Research and Language Selection by St. Clair - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for Black Thought and Culture by Humber - Module 4: Content
Assessment for Materials Science Collection by Northern - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for Black Thought and Culture by Humber - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for PressReader by Centennial - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for PressReader by Centennial - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for Career & Technical Education by Sheridan - Module 4: Content
Assessment for PressReader by Centennial - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for Career & Technical Education by Sheridan - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for Career & Technical Education by Sheridan - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for Black Thought and Culture by Humber - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for Career & Technical Education by Sheridan - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for Natural Medicines by Humber - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for Materials Science Collection by Northern - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for Natural Medicines by Humber - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for Black Thought and Culture by Humber - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for Music Online: Listening Package by Humber - Module 4: Content
Assessment for Music Online: Listening Package by Humber - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for Music Online: Listening Package by Humber - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for UNWTO eLibrary by Conestoga - Module 4: Content
Assessment for GDC Vault by Humber - Module 4: Content
Assessment for GDC Vault by Humber - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for Business of Fashion by Seneca - Module 4: Content
Assessment for Business of Fashion by Seneca - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for Scott's Directories by OCLS - Module 4: Content
Assessment for Scott's Directories by OCLS - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for Scott's Directories by OCLS - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for Scott's Directories by OCLS - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for ASME Digital Collection by Centennial - Module 4: Content
Assessment for National Film Board of Canada (NFB) by St. Clair - Module 4: Content
Assessment for ASME Digital Collection by Centennial - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for Access World News: Canada Edition by Fleming - Module 4: Content
Assessment for Access World News: Canada Edition by Fleming - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for Access World News: Canada Edition by Fleming - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for Access World News: Canada Edition by Fleming - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for ASME Digital Collection by Centennial - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for National Film Board of Canada (NFB) by St. Clair - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for Official Methods of Analysis by Fanshawe - Module 4: Content
Assessment for National Film Board of Canada (NFB) by St. Clair - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for Official Methods of Analysis by Fanshawe - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for National Film Board of Canada (NFB) by St. Clair - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for UNWTO eLibrary by Conestoga - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for UNWTO eLibrary by Conestoga - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for UNWTO eLibrary by Conestoga - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for Emerald Insight by Conestoga - Module 4: Content
Assessment for Musical Theater Songs by St. Lawrence - Module 4: Content
Assessment for Musical Theater Songs by St. Lawrence - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for Musical Theater Songs by St. Lawrence - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for Emerald Insight by Conestoga - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for Emerald Insight by Conestoga - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for Musical Theater Songs by St. Lawrence - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for ASME Digital Collection by Centennial - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for Business of Fashion by Seneca - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for Taylor & Francis eJournals by Algonquin - Module 4: Content
Assessment for Taylor & Francis eJournals by Algonquin - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for Taylor & Francis eJournals by Algonquin - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for Taylor & Francis eJournals by Algonquin - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for McNabb Connolly Streaming Video by Algonquin - Module 4: Content
Assessment for McNabb Connolly Streaming Video by Algonquin - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for McNabb Connolly Streaming Video by Algonquin - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for McNabb Connolly Streaming Video by Algonquin - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for Official Methods of Analysis by Fanshawe - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for Oxford English Dictionary by Centennial - Module 4: Content
Assessment for GDC Vault by Humber - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for GDC Vault by Humber - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for Official Methods of Analysis by Fanshawe - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for McGill Guide (Canadian Guide to Uniform Legal Citation) by Humber - Module 4: Content
Assessment for McGill Guide (Canadian Guide to Uniform Legal Citation) by Humber - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for Business of Fashion by Seneca - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for Repère by Boréal - Module 4: Content
Assessment for Repère by Boréal - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for Criterion-on-Demand by Lambton - Module 4: Content
Assessment for Repère by Boréal - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for Criterion-on-Demand by Lambton - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for Repère by Boréal - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for McGill Guide (Canadian Guide to Uniform Legal Citation) by Humber - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for McGill Guide (Canadian Guide to Uniform Legal Citation) by Humber - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for Criterion-on-Demand by Lambton - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for Criterion-on-Demand by Lambton - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for Oxford English Dictionary by Centennial - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for ACF Streaming by Fanshawe - Module 4: Content
Assessment for ACF Streaming by Fanshawe - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for Grove Art Online by Georgian - Module 4: Content
Assessment for Grove Art Online by Georgian - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for ACF Streaming by Fanshawe - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for Emerald Insight by Conestoga - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for ACF Streaming by Fanshawe - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for Grove Art Online by Georgian - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for Curio (CBC) by Northern - Module 4: Content
Assessment for Curio (CBC) by Northern - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for Curio (CBC) by Northern - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for Curio (CBC) by Northern - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for Grove Art Online by Georgian - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for Oxford English Dictionary by Centennial - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for Tourism Cases by Centennial - Module 4: Content
Assessment for Visible Body Web Suite by Seneca - Module 4: Content
Assessment for Visible Body Web Suite by Seneca - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for Tourism Cases by Centennial - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for Tourism Cases by Centennial - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for Tourism Cases by Centennial - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for Visible Body Web Suite by Seneca - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for Visible Body Web Suite by Seneca - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for The Work from Cannes Lions by Seneca - Module 4: Content
Assessment for The Work from Cannes Lions by Seneca - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for The Work from Cannes Lions by Seneca - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for The Work from Cannes Lions by Seneca - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for Oxford English Dictionary by Centennial - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for Safetyhub by Durham - Module 4: Content
Assessment for Safetyhub by Durham - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for Safetyhub by Durham - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for Safetyhub by Durham - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for AccessScience by Durham - Module 4: Content
Assessment for AccessScience by Durham - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for AccessScience by Durham - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for AccessScience by Durham - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for Quicklaw by Mohawk - Module 4: Content
Assessment for CPA (Canadian Pharmacists Association) by Mohawk - Module 4: Content
Assessment for Historical Newspapers: Globe and Mail by Durham - Module 4: Content
Assessment for Historical Newspapers: Globe and Mail by Durham - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for Historical Newspapers: Globe and Mail by Durham - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for Historical Newspapers: Globe and Mail by Durham - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for Quicklaw by Mohawk - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for Quicklaw by Mohawk - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for Quicklaw by Mohawk - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for Mindscape Commons by Centennial - Module 4: Content
Assessment for Smart Biology by Seneca - Module 4: Content
Assessment for Human Anatomy (Gale) by Mohawk - Module 4: Content
Assessment for Human Anatomy (Gale) by Mohawk - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for LWW Journals by Mohawk - Module 4: Content
Assessment for Smart Biology by Seneca - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for LWW Journals by Mohawk - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for Mindscape Commons by Centennial - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for LWW Journals by Mohawk - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for LWW Journals by Mohawk - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for CPA (Canadian Pharmacists Association) by Mohawk - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for Britannica ImageQuest by Centennial - Module 4: Content
Assessment for Britannica ImageQuest by Centennial - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for Britannica ImageQuest by Centennial - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for Britannica ImageQuest by Centennial - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for Smart Biology by Seneca - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for Human Anatomy (Gale) by Mohawk - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for Human Anatomy (Gale) by Mohawk - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for Leisure Tourism by Centennial - Module 4: Content
Assessment for Leisure Tourism by Centennial - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for Leisure Tourism by Centennial - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for Leisure Tourism by Centennial - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for CPA (Canadian Pharmacists Association) by Mohawk - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for CPA (Canadian Pharmacists Association) by Mohawk - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for Nursing & Allied Health by Lambton - Module 4: Content
Assessment for Nursing & Allied Health by Lambton - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for Nursing & Allied Health by Lambton - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for Nursing & Allied Health by Lambton - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for Fairchild Books Library by Seneca - Module 4: Content
Assessment for Fairchild Books Library by Seneca - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for Fairchild Books Library by Seneca - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for Fairchild Books Library by Seneca - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for Smart Biology by Seneca - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for Mindscape Commons by Centennial - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for Mindscape Commons by Centennial - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for Music Online: Listening Package by Humber - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for Music Online: Listening Package by Humber - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for CriminalSource by Seneca - Module 4: Content
Assessment for CriminalSource by Seneca - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for CriminalSource by Seneca - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for CriminalSource by Seneca - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for DieselNet by Mohawk - Module 4: Content
Assessment for DieselNet by Mohawk - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for DieselNet by Mohawk - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for IEEExplore by Georgian - Module 4: Content
Assessment for DieselNet by Mohawk - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for IEEExplore by Georgian - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for IEEExplore by Georgian - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for IEEExplore by Georgian - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for Adforum Creative Library by Humber - Module 4: Content
Assessment for Adforum Creative Library by Humber - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for Adforum Creative Library by Humber - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for Adforum Creative Library by Humber - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for Aesthetic VideoSource (VideoShelf) by St. Clair - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for Aesthetic VideoSource (VideoShelf) by St. Clair - Module 4: Content
Assessment for Aesthetic VideoSource (VideoShelf) by St. Clair - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for Aesthetic VideoSource (VideoShelf) by St. Clair - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for Birds of the World by Fleming - Module 4: Content
Assessment for Birds of the World by Fleming - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for Birds of the World by Fleming - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for Birds of the World by Fleming - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for Embase by Humber - Module 4: Content
Assessment for by George Brown - Module 4: Content
Assessment for ACLS Humanities eBook by Sheridan - Module 4: Content
Assessment for ACLS Humanities eBook by Sheridan - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for ACLS Humanities eBook by Sheridan - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for FP Advisor by St. Clair - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for FP Advisor by St. Clair - Module 4: Content
Assessment for FP Advisor by St. Clair - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for Environment Complete by Fleming - Module 4: Content
Assessment for Journals@OVID by Georgian - Module 4: Content
Assessment for Journals@OVID by Georgian - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for Embase by Humber - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for Art and Architecture Archive by George Brown - Module 4: Content
Assessment for 4 Seasons of Reconciliation by Northern - Module 4: Content
Assessment for 4 Seasons of Reconciliation by Northern - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for 4 Seasons of Reconciliation by Northern - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for 4 Seasons of Reconciliation by Northern - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for Art and Architecture Archive by George Brown - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for Art and Architecture Archive by George Brown - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for Art and Architecture Archive by George Brown - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for ACLS Humanities eBook by Sheridan - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for FP Advisor by St. Clair - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for Building Green by Sheridan - Module 4: Content
Assessment for Building Green by Sheridan - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for Environment Complete by Fleming - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for Environment Complete by Fleming - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for Building Green by Sheridan - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for Environment Complete by Fleming - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for Embase by Humber - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for Embase by Humber - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for Building Green by Sheridan - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for ASM Handbooks Online by Fanshawe - Module 4: Content
Assessment for Scott's Directories by Fanshawe - Module 4: Content
Assessment for Scott's Directories by Fanshawe - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for Scott's Directories by Fanshawe - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for Scott's Directories by Fanshawe - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for Journals@OVID by Georgian - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for ASM Handbooks Online by Fanshawe - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for ASM Handbooks Online by Fanshawe - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for ASM Handbooks Online by Fanshawe - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for Journals@OVID by Georgian - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for ASME Standards by Centennial - Module 4: Content
Assessment for ASME Standards by Centennial - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for ASME Standards by Centennial - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for ASME Standards by Centennial - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for AORN Video Library by Centennial - Module 4: Content
Assessment for AORN Video Library by Centennial - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for AORN Video Library by Centennial - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for AORN Video Library by Centennial - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for SAGE Research Methods by Seneca - Module 4: Content
Assessment for SAGE Research Methods by Seneca - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for Canadian Literary Centre by Centennial - Module 4: Content
Assessment for Criminal Justice Abstracts with Full Text by Conestoga - Module 4: Content
Assessment for Criminal Justice Abstracts with Full Text by Conestoga - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for Criminal Justice Abstracts with Full Text by Conestoga - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for Criminal Justice Abstracts with Full Text by Conestoga - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for Canadian Literary Centre by Centennial - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for OverDrive by Centennial - Module 4: Content
Assessment for OverDrive by Centennial - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for Canadian Literary Centre by Centennial - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for Canadian Literary Centre by Centennial - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for OverDrive by Centennial - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for OverDrive by Centennial - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for Choice Reviews by Centennial - Module 4: Content
Assessment for Choice Reviews by Centennial - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for Choice Reviews by Centennial - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for Choice Reviews by Centennial - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for Teen Health & Wellness by Lambton - Module 4: Content
Assessment for Teen Health & Wellness by Lambton - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for Teen Health & Wellness by Lambton - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for Travel42 by Seneca - Module 4: Content
Assessment for Travel42 by Seneca - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for SAGE Business Cases by Seneca - Module 4: Content
Assessment for Travel42 by Seneca - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for SAGE Business Cases by Seneca - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for SAGE Business Cases by Seneca - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for Travel42 by Seneca - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for SAGE Business Cases by Seneca - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for Teen Health & Wellness by Lambton - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for APA PsycArticles by Fanshawe - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for APA PsycArticles by Fanshawe - Module 4: Content
Assessment for Knovel (Elsevier) by Seneca - Module 4: Content
Assessment for Knovel (Elsevier) by Seneca - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for Knovel (Elsevier) by Seneca - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for Knovel (Elsevier) by Seneca - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for SAGE Research Methods by Seneca - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for APA PsycArticles by Fanshawe - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for SAGE Research Methods by Seneca - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for APA PsycArticles by Fanshawe - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for Wiley Online Library Journals by Seneca - Module 4: Content
Assessment for RDA Toolkit by Mohawk - Module 4: Content
Assessment for RDA Toolkit by Mohawk - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for Wiley Online Library Journals by Seneca - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for Wiley Online Library Journals by Seneca - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for Wiley Online Library Journals by Seneca - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for Relational Child and Youth Care Practice by Algonquin - Module 4: Content
Assessment for Relational Child and Youth Care Practice by Algonquin - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for Relational Child and Youth Care Practice by Algonquin - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for Grant Connect by Algonquin - Module 4: Content
Assessment for Grant Connect by Algonquin - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for Grant Connect by Algonquin - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for CCOHS: Academic Support Program by Algonquin - Module 4: Content
Assessment for CCOHS: Academic Support Program by Algonquin - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for CCOHS: Academic Support Program by Algonquin - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for CCOHS: Academic Support Program by Algonquin - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for Grant Connect by Algonquin - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for Relational Child and Youth Care Practice by Algonquin - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for RDA Toolkit by Mohawk - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for Irwin Law Books Archive by Seneca - Module 4: Content
Assessment for Irwin Law Books Archive by Seneca - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for Irwin Law Books Archive by Seneca - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for Irwin Law Books Archive by Seneca - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for RDA Toolkit by Mohawk - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for CatExpress by Mohawk - Module 4: Content
Assessment for CatExpress by Mohawk - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for History Reference Center by Mohawk - Module 4: Content
Assessment for CatExpress by Mohawk - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for AAAS Science by Mohawk - Module 4: Content
Assessment for AAAS Science by Mohawk - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for AAAS Science by Mohawk - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for Rehabilitation Reference Center by Mohawk - Module 4: Content
Assessment for History Reference Center by Mohawk - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for AAAS Science by Mohawk - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for Rehabilitation Reference Center by Mohawk - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for History Reference Center by Mohawk - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for CatExpress by Mohawk - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for Rehabilitation Reference Center by Mohawk - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for Rehabilitation Reference Center by Mohawk - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for History Reference Center by Mohawk - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for by George Brown - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for by George Brown - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for by George Brown - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for Frontier Life by Mohawk - Module 4: Content
Assessment for Frontier Life by Mohawk - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for Frontier Life by Mohawk - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for Frontier Life by Mohawk - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for AccessEngineering by Humber - Module 4: Content
Assessment for AccessEngineering by Humber - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for AccessEngineering by Humber - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for AccessEngineering by Humber - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for Scopus by Humber - Module 4: Content
Assessment for Scopus by Humber - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for Scopus by Humber - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for Scopus by Humber - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for Food Science Source by St. Lawrence - Module 4: Content
Assessment for Food Science Source by St. Lawrence - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for Food Science Source by St. Lawrence - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for Food Science Source by St. Lawrence - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for Bloomsbury Food Library by George Brown - Module 4: Content
Assessment for Bloomsbury Food Library by George Brown - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for Bloomsbury Food Library by George Brown - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for Bloomsbury Food Library by George Brown - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for Ulrichsweb by Humber - Module 4: Content
Assessment for Ulrichsweb by Humber - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for Ulrichsweb by Humber - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for VetMed Resource by St. Clair - Module 4: Content
Assessment for VetMed Resource by St. Clair - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for VetMed Resource by St. Clair - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for VetMed Resource by St. Clair - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for Media Technology Monitor (MTM) Reports by Humber - Module 4: Content
Assessment for Ulrichsweb by Humber - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for Factiva by Durham - Module 4: Content
Assessment for Factiva by Durham - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for Factiva by Durham - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for Factiva by Durham - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for Applied Science & Technology Full Text (H.W. Wilson) by Durham - Module 4: Content
Assessment for Applied Science & Technology Full Text (H.W. Wilson) by Durham - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for Applied Science & Technology Full Text (H.W. Wilson) by Durham - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for Applied Science & Technology Full Text (H.W. Wilson) by Durham - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for informit Indigenous Collection by Durham - Module 4: Content
Assessment for informit Indigenous Collection by Durham - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for informit Indigenous Collection by Durham - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for informit Indigenous Collection by Durham - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for TRI Library by Seneca - Module 4: Content
Assessment for TRI Library by Seneca - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for TRI Library by Seneca - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for TRI Library by Seneca - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for Hospitality and Tourism Complete by Fanshawe - Module 4: Content
Assessment for Media Technology Monitor (MTM) Reports by Humber - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for Hospitality and Tourism Complete by Fanshawe - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for Media Technology Monitor (MTM) Reports by Humber - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for Hospitality and Tourism Complete by Fanshawe - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for Hospitality and Tourism Complete by Fanshawe - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for Bloomsbury Fashion Central by Humber - Module 4: Content
Assessment for Bloomsbury Fashion Central by Humber - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for Media Technology Monitor (MTM) Reports by Humber - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for PsychiatryOnline by St. Clair - Module 4: Content
Assessment for Bloomsbury Fashion Central by Humber - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for Bloomsbury Fashion Central by Humber - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for WGSH Fashion by Seneca - Module 4: Content
Assessment for WGSH Fashion by Seneca - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for WGSH Fashion by Seneca - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for WGSN Fashion by Seneca - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for Canadian Electronic Library (desLibris) by Humber - Module 4: Content
Assessment for Canadian Electronic Library (desLibris) by Humber - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for Canadian Electronic Library (desLibris) by Humber - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for Canadian Electronic Library (desLibris) by Humber - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for CPA Canada Standards and Guidance Collection (CPACHB) by Humber - Module 4: Content
Assessment for CPA Canada Standards and Guidance Collection (CPACHB) by Humber - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for CPA Canada Standards and Guidance Collection (CPACHB) by Humber - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for CPA Canada Standards and Guidance Collection (CPACHB) by Humber - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for Red Book Online by Conestoga - Module 4: Content
Assessment for Red Book Online by Conestoga - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for Red Book Online by Conestoga - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for University of Fashion by Seneca - Module 4: Content
Assessment for University of Fashion by Seneca - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for Chicago Manual of Style by Centennial - Module 4: Content
Assessment for Chicago Manual of Style by Centennial - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for Communication & Mass Media Complete by Durham - Module 4: Content
Assessment for Communications & Mass Media Complete by Durham - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for Communications & Mass Media Complete by Durham - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for Communication & Mass Media Complete by Durham - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for Chicago Manual of Style by Centennial - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for SciTech Premium by Durham - Module 4: Content
Assessment for SciTech Premium by Durham - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for SciTech Premium by Durham - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for SciTech Premium by Durham - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for Chicago Manual of Style by Centennial - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for Red Book Online by Conestoga - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for Women's Wear Daily by Seneca - Module 4: Content
Assessment for Women's Wear Daily by Seneca - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for Women's Wear Daily by Seneca - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for UpToDate by Conestoga - Module 4: Content
Assessment for UpToDate by Conestoga - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for UpToDate by Conestoga - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for UpToDate by Conestoga - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for Vogue Archive by Fanshawe - Module 4: Content
Assessment for Vogue Archive by Fanshawe - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for Vogue Archive by Fanshawe - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for Vogue Archive by Fanshawe - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for Literary Reference Center Plus by Sheridan - Module 4: Content
Assessment for Literary Reference Center Plus by Sheridan - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for Literary Reference Center Plus by Sheridan - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for University of Fashion by Seneca - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for Alexander Street Press by Centennial - Module 4: Content
Assessment for WARC by Humber - Module 4: Content
Assessment for WARC by Humber - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for WARC by Humber - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for WARC by Humber - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for Gale eBooks by Mohawk - Module 4: Content
Assessment for Gale eBooks by Mohawk - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for Alexander Street Press by Centennial - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for MEDLINE (EBSCO) by Mohawk - Module 4: Content
Assessment for Gale eBooks by Mohawk - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for Gale eBooks by Mohawk - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for Peclers Online by Seneca - Module 4: Content
Assessment for Gale OneFile by Fanshawe - Module 4: Content
Assessment for Literary Reference Center Plus by Sheridan - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for Peclers Online by Seneca - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for SMART Imagebase: Scientific and Medical ART by Mohawk - Module 4: Content
Assessment for SMART Imagebase: Scientific and Medical ART by Mohawk - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for University of Fashion by Seneca - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for MEDLINE (EBSCO) by Mohawk - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for SMART Imagebase: Scientific and Medical ART by Mohawk - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for Peclers Online by Seneca - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for MEDLINE (EBSCO) by Mohawk - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for SMART Imagebase: Scientific and Medical ART by Mohawk - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for MEDLINE (EBSCO) by Mohawk - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for Humanities International by Mohawk - Module 4: Content
Assessment for Humanities International by Mohawk - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for Humanities International by Mohawk - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for EDS Package by Mohawk - Module 4: Content
Assessment for Humanities International by Mohawk - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for EDS Package by Mohawk - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for Alexander Street Press by Centennial - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for EDS Package by Mohawk - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for Gale OneFile by Fanshawe - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for Alexander Street Press by Centennial - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for Academic Writer by Centennial - Module 4: Content
Assessment for Academic Writer by Centennial - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for EDS Package by Mohawk - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for SAGE Journals by Seneca - Module 4: Content
Assessment for SAGE Journals by Seneca - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for SAGE Journals by Seneca - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for Plumb's Veterinary Drugs by Georgian - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for Plumb's Veterinary Drugs by Georgian - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for SAGE Journals by Seneca - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for Women's Wear Daily by Seneca - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for Plumb's Veterinary Drugs by Georgian - Module 4: Content
Assessment for Plumb's Veterinary Drugs by Georgian - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for HeinOnline by Humber - Module 4: Content
Assessment for HeinOnline by Humber - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for PrivCo by Sheridan - Module 4: Content
Assessment for PrivCo by Sheridan - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for PrivCo by Sheridan - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for PrivCo by Sheridan - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for SAE standards by Centennial - Module 4: Content
Assessment for HeinOnline by Humber - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for HeinOnline by Humber - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for Gale OneFile by Fanshawe - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for SAE standards by Centennial - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for Peclers Online by Seneca - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for Gale OneFile by Fanshawe - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for SAE standards by Centennial - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for SAE standards by Centennial - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for Academic Writer by Centennial - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for Academic Writer by Centennial - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for eMarketer PRO by Sheridan - Module 4: Content
Assessment for eMarketer PRO by Sheridan - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for eMarketer PRO by Sheridan - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for Library, Information Science and Technology Abstracts with Full Text by Lambton - Module 4: Content
Assessment for Library, Information Science and Technology Abstracts with Full Text by Lambton - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for Library, Information Science and Technology Abstracts with Full Text by Lambton - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for eMarketer PRO by Sheridan - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for Library, Information Science and Technology Abstracts with Full Text by Lambton - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for Culturegrams by Sheridan - Module 4: Content
Assessment for Culturegrams by Sheridan - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for Culturegrams by Sheridan - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for Culturegrams by Sheridan - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for PsychiatryOnline by St. Clair - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for PsychiatryOnline by St. Clair - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for Academic Search Premier by Cambrian - Module 4: Content
Assessment for Academic Search Premier by Cambrian - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for Academic Search Premier by Cambrian - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for Academic Search Premier by Cambrian - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for Britannica Academic by Algonquin - Module 4: Content
Assessment for Britannica Academic by Algonquin - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for Britannica Academic by Algonquin - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for Britannica Academic by Algonquin - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for CARD: Canadian Advertising Rates & Data by Algonquin - Module 4: Content
Assessment for CARD: Canadian Advertising Rates & Data by Algonquin - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for CARD: Canadian Advertising Rates & Data by Algonquin - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for CARD: Canadian Advertising Rates & Data by Algonquin - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for Art & Architecture Complete by Algonquin - Module 4: Content
Assessment for Art & Architecture Complete by Algonquin - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for Art & Architecture Complete by Algonquin - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for Media Names and Numbers by Centennial - Module 4: Content
Assessment for Media Names and Numbers by Centennial - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for Media Names and Numbers by Centennial - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for Media Names and Numbers by Centennial - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for CSA OnDemand by Conestoga - Module 4: Content
Assessment for CSA OnDemand by Conestoga - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for CSA OnDemand by Conestoga - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for CSA OnDemand by Conestoga - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for Art & Architecture Complete by Algonquin - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for Regs4Ships by Georgian - Module 4: Content
Assessment for Regs4Ships by Georgian - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for Regs4Ships by Georgian - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for Regs4Ships by Georgian - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for ASTM by Conestoga - Module 4: Content
Assessment for ASTM by Conestoga - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for Direct-Hit by Identifix by Centennial - Module 4: Content
Assessment for ASTM by Conestoga - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for ASTM by Conestoga - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for Direct-Hit by Identifix by Centennial - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for Direct-Hit by Identifix by Centennial - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for PsychiatryOnline by St. Clair - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for Direct-Hit by Identifix by Centennial - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for Nursing & Allied Health by Northern - Module 4: Content
Assessment for SocIndex by Fanshawe - Module 4: Content
Assessment for SocIndex by Fanshawe - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for Proquest Central by Durham - Module 4: Content
Assessment for Proquest Central by Durham - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for Proquest Central by Durham - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for Proquest Central by Durham - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for Nursing & Allied Health by Northern - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for Nursing & Allied Health by Northern - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for Nursing & Allied Health by Northern - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for Techstreet Enterprise by Conestoga - Module 4: Content
Assessment for SocIndex by Fanshawe - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for Medline (OVID) by Humber - Module 4: Content
Assessment for Medline (OVID) by Humber - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for Techstreet Enterprise by Conestoga - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for Techstreet Enterprise by Conestoga - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for Techstreet Enterprise by Conestoga - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for SocIndex by Fanshawe - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for Medline (OVID) by Humber - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for Statista by Fanshawe - Module 4: Content
Assessment for Statista by Fanshawe - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for Statista by Fanshawe - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for Medline (OVID) by Humber - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for Statista by Fanshawe - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for USP-NF Online by Seneca - Module 4: Content
Assessment for Mintel Reports by Seneca - Module 4: Content
Assessment for Canadian Business & Current Affairs Database by Seneca - Module 4: Content
Assessment for ABI/INFORM Global by Seneca - Module 4: Content
Assessment for Advanced Technologies & Aerospace Collection by Seneca - Module 4: Content
Assessment for Business Economics & Theory Collection by Centennial - Module 4: Content
Assessment for USP-NF Online by Seneca - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for Mintel Reports by Seneca - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for Canadian Business & Current Affairs Database by Seneca - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for ABI/INFORM Global by Seneca - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for Advanced Technologies & Aerospace Collection by Seneca - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for CINAHL by Northern - Module 4: Content
Assessment for Mintel Reports by Seneca - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for USP-NF Online by Seneca - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for Canadian Business & Current Affairs Database by Seneca - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for ABI/INFORM Global by Seneca - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for Advanced Technologies & Aerospace Collection by Seneca - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for Business Economics & Theory Collection by Centennial - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for Pubmed by Mohawk - Module 4: Content
Assessment for Business Economics & Theory Collection by Centennial - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for Business Economics & Theory Collection by Centennial - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for Advanced Technologies & Aerospace Collection by Seneca - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for ABI/INFORM Global by Seneca - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for Canadian Business & Current Affairs Database by Seneca - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for Mintel Reports by Seneca - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for USP-NF Online by Seneca - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for MasterFILE Elite by Fanshawe - Module 4: Content
Assessment for Canadian Points of View by St. Clair - Module 4: Content
Assessment for Canadian Points of View by St. Clair - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for Canadian Points of View by St. Clair - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for Canadian Points of View by St. Clair - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for Pubmed by Mohawk - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for Pubmed by Mohawk - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for Pubmed by Mohawk - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for Academic Search Premier by Mohawk - Module 4: Content
Assessment for Academic Search Premier by Mohawk - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for Academic Search Premier by Mohawk - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for Academic Search Premier by Mohawk - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for Windows Wear by Sheridan - Module 4: Content
Assessment for Windows Wear by Sheridan - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for Windows Wear by Sheridan - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for Windows Wear by Sheridan - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for O'Reilly Learning by Sheridan - Module 4: Content
Assessment for O'Reilly Learning by Sheridan - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for O'Reilly Learning by Sheridan - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for O'Reilly Learning by Sheridan - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for Academic Video Online by Mohawk - Module 4: Content
Assessment for Alt Health Watch by Mohawk - Module 4: Content
Assessment for ARTSTOR by Centennial - Module 4: Content
Assessment for Alt Health Watch by Mohawk - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for ARTSTOR by Centennial - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for Academic Video Online by Mohawk - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for ARTSTOR by Centennial - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for Academic Video Online by Mohawk - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for MasterFILE Elite by Fanshawe - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for Alt Health Watch by Mohawk - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for Country Watch by St. Clair - Module 4: Content
Assessment for Country Watch by St. Clair - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for Country Watch by St. Clair - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for Country Watch by St. Clair - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for Criterion-on-Demand by Conestoga - Module 4: Content
Assessment for Business Source Premier by Mohawk - Module 4: Content
Assessment for Criterion-on-Demand by Conestoga - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for Academic Video Online by Mohawk - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for Business Source Premier by Mohawk - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for Alt Health Watch by Mohawk - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for ARTSTOR by Centennial - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for CINAHL by Northern - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for CINAHL by Northern - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for CINAHL by Northern - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for Project Muse by Sheridan - Module 4: Content
Assessment for Project Muse by Sheridan - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for Criterion-on-Demand by Conestoga - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for Project Muse by Sheridan - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for Project Muse by Sheridan - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for RxTX by Georgian - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for RxTX by Georgian - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for Career Cruising by St. Clair - Module 4: Content
Assessment for Career Cruising by St. Clair - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for Career Cruising by St. Clair - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for Career Cruising by St. Clair - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for Films on Demand by Algonquin - Module 4: Content
Assessment for Films on Demand by Algonquin - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for Films on Demand by Algonquin - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for Films on Demand by Algonquin - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for Ibisworld by Algonquin - Module 4: Content
Assessment for Ibisworld by Algonquin - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for Ibisworld by Algonquin - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for Ibisworld by Algonquin - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for Quicklaw by Algonquin - Module 4: Content
Assessment for Quicklaw by Algonquin - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for Quicklaw by Algonquin - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for Quicklaw by Algonquin - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for Dentistry & Oral Sciences Source by Algonquin - Module 4: Content
Assessment for Dentistry & Oral Sciences Source by Algonquin - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for Films on Demand by Humber - Module 4: Content
Assessment for Films on Demand by Humber - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for Films on Demand by Humber - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for VetFolio by Sheridan - Module 4: Content
Assessment for VetFolio by Sheridan - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for VetFolio by Sheridan - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for MasterFILE Elite by Fanshawe - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for ed.flicks by Centennial - Module 4: Content
Assessment for ed.flicks by Centennial - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for Business Source Premier by Mohawk - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for Dentistry & Oral Sciences Source by Algonquin - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for Dentistry & Oral Sciences Source by Algonquin - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for ed.flicks by Centennial - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for VetFolio by Sheridan - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for ed.flicks by Centennial - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for RxTX by Georgian - Module 4: Content
Assessment for Euromonitor Passport by Sheridan - Module 4: Content
Assessment for Euromonitor Passport by Sheridan - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for Euromonitor Passport by Sheridan - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for Euromonitor Passport by Sheridan - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for Material ConneXion by Sheridan - Module 4: Content
Assessment for eBook Collection by Lambton - Module 4: Content
Assessment for Business Source Premier by Mohawk - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for Credo Reference by Fleming - Module 4: Content
Assessment for RxTX by Georgian - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for eBook Collection by Lambton - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for Sage Premier Journals by Lambton - Module 4: Content
Assessment for JoVE Science Education Library by Centennial - Module 4: Content
Assessment for JoVE Science Education Library by Centennial - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for Credo Reference by Fleming - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for Credo Reference by Fleming - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for Credo Reference by Fleming - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for JoVE Science Education Library by Centennial - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for JoVE Science Education Library by Centennial - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for ScienceDirect by Fleming - Module 4: Content
Assessment for ScienceDirect by Fleming - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for ScienceDirect by Fleming - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for SimplyAnalytics by Georgian - Module 4: Content
Assessment for ScienceDirect by Fleming - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for MarketLine by Fleming - Module 4: Content
Assessment for MarketLine by Fleming - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for MarketLine by Fleming - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for MarketLine by Fleming - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for Videatives by Centennial - Module 4: Content
Assessment for Videatives by Centennial - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for Videatives by Centennial - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for Videatives by Centennial - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for IEEExplore by Centennial - Module 4: Content
Assessment for IEEExplore by Centennial - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for IEEExplore by Centennial - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for IEEExplore by Centennial - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for eBook Collection by Lambton - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for SimplyAnalytics by Georgian - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for LawSource by Humber - Module 4: Content
Assessment for LawSource by Humber - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for Criterion-on-Demand by Conestoga - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for Material ConneXion by Sheridan - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for eBook Collection by Lambton - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for Material ConneXion by Sheridan - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for Material ConneXion by Sheridan - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for LawSource by Humber - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for SimplyAnalytics by Georgian - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for SimplyAnalytics by Georgian - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for Sage Premier Journals by Lambton - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for Vividata by Seneca - Module 4: Content
Assessment for Vividata by Seneca - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for Vividata by Seneca - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for Vividata by Seneca - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for MasterFILE Elite by Fanshawe - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for Sage Premier Journals by Lambton - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for DesLibris by Conestoga - Module 4: Content
Assessment for DesLibris by Conestoga - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for DesLibris by Conestoga - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for DesLibris by Conestoga - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for Visible Body by Conestoga - Module 4: Content
Assessment for Sage Premier Journals by Lambton - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for Visible Body by Conestoga - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for Visible Body by Conestoga - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for Visible Body by Conestoga - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for Nexis Uni by Conestoga - Module 4: Content
Assessment for Nexis Uni by Conestoga - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for Nexis Uni by Conestoga - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for Nexis Uni by Conestoga - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for Films on Demand by Algonquin - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for Films on Demand by Algonquin - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for Films on Demand by Algonquin - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for Kanopy by Humber - Module 4: Content
Assessment for Kanopy by Humber - Module 3: Interface Structure
Assessment for Kanopy by Humber - Module 2: Interface Navigation
Assessment for Kanopy by Humber - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for LawSource - WestlawNext by Humber - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for Films on Demand by Humber - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for Dentistry & Oral Sciences Source by Algonquin - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Assessment for by - Module 1: Interface Appearance
Overview of Third-Party Tools
Guide For College Library Staff