Are the sampled PDFs image-only?
Answer: Never
Score: 2
Notes: The sampled PDF case studies were published between 2020-2024, with 2020 being the oldest publication year, and 2024 being the most recent publication year of the case studies in the database. All sampled PDFs have text that are searchable and extractable.
Score: 2
Notes: The sampled PDF case studies were published between 2020-2024, with 2020 being the oldest publication year, and 2024 being the most recent publication year of the case studies in the database. All sampled PDFs have text that are searchable and extractable.
Are the sampled PDFs locked (secured)?
Answer: Never
Score: 2
Score: 2
Are the sampled PDFs fully searchable?
Answer: Always
Score: 2
Score: 2
Are alternative descriptions provided?
Answer: Sometimes
Score: 1
Notes: Three sampled PDFs have one alternative text issue and two other sampled PDFs have five alternative text issues.
Score: 1
Notes: Three sampled PDFs have one alternative text issue and two other sampled PDFs have five alternative text issues.
Is primary language specified?
Answer: Always
Score: 2
Notes: Primary language is specified in all sampled PDFs.
Score: 2
Notes: Primary language is specified in all sampled PDFs.
Is reliable character encoding provided?
Answer: Always
Score: 2
Notes: Reliable character encoding is provided in all sampled PDFs.
Score: 2
Notes: Reliable character encoding is provided in all sampled PDFs.
Are all page elements tagged?
Answer: Sometimes
Score: 1
Notes: The Headings section passed the accessibility check for three of the sampled PDFs only. Under the Page Content section, tagged content and tab order failed the accessibility check for all five sampled PDFs.
Score: 1
Notes: The Headings section passed the accessibility check for three of the sampled PDFs only. Under the Page Content section, tagged content and tab order failed the accessibility check for all five sampled PDFs.
Are list and table structure correct?
Answer: Sometimes
Score: 1
Notes: There were issues with lists and tables for two of the five sampled PDFs.
Score: 1
Notes: There were issues with lists and tables for two of the five sampled PDFs.
Does the Read Out Loud function read the PDF in a logical way, preserving the order of the text and various sections?
Answer: Sometimes
Score: 1
Notes: For one of the sampled PDFs, the Read Out Loud function read Table 1 as per the order that it was in. However, the reader skipped reading Table 2 on the following page as per its order, jumped to the next heading, finished reading all the text until the end of the page, and then returned to read Table 2. The reading order could be confusing for users.
Score: 1
Notes: For one of the sampled PDFs, the Read Out Loud function read Table 1 as per the order that it was in. However, the reader skipped reading Table 2 on the following page as per its order, jumped to the next heading, finished reading all the text until the end of the page, and then returned to read Table 2. The reading order could be confusing for users.
Does the Read out Loud function avoid problematic elements such as excessive blank spaces read as “blank”?
Answer: Always
Score: 2
Score: 2
Are the controls consistent and effective for navigating through the document?
Answer: Always
Score: 2
Score: 2
When zooming in to 250%, does all text, images, tables, and other elements appear clear and easy to read?
Answer: Sometimes
Score: 1
Notes: When zoomed to 250%, the text is usually clear throughout the document and in tables. However, for some sampled PDFs, the text is not sharp and blurry in certain figures such as graphs and maps.
Score: 1
Notes: When zoomed to 250%, the text is usually clear throughout the document and in tables. However, for some sampled PDFs, the text is not sharp and blurry in certain figures such as graphs and maps.
Are the images positioned prominently and easy to find?
Answer: Always
Score: 2
Score: 2
Do informative images contain appropriate alt text or an appropriate textual alternative?
Answer: Sometimes
Score: 1
Notes: The Read Out Loud function was not able to read the textual alternative of some informative images for some PDFs.
Score: 1
Notes: The Read Out Loud function was not able to read the textual alternative of some informative images for some PDFs.
Do images used as titles contain appropriate alt text or an appropriate textual alternative?
Answer: Never
Score: 0
Notes: The CABI logo is on the title pages of the case studies, and don't have alternative text.
Score: 0
Notes: The CABI logo is on the title pages of the case studies, and don't have alternative text.
Do rich images contain appropriate alt text or an appropriate textual alternative?
Answer: Sometimes
Score: 1
Notes: Rich images such as graphs and diagrams do appear in some PDFs, and some do have textual alternatives. The Read Out Loud function was not able to read the textual alternative of some rich images for certain PDFs.
Score: 1
Notes: Rich images such as graphs and diagrams do appear in some PDFs, and some do have textual alternatives. The Read Out Loud function was not able to read the textual alternative of some rich images for certain PDFs.
Are tables tagged and described with in-text summaries where appropriate?
Answer: Sometimes
Score: 1
Notes: Not all tables are tagged in the sampled PDFs. The screen reader reads tables row by row.
Score: 1
Notes: Not all tables are tagged in the sampled PDFs. The screen reader reads tables row by row.
Do table headers allow for easy navigation with screen readers?
Answer: Always
Score: 2
Notes: Table headers in sampled PDFs do allow for easy navigation when tables are read with the screen reader.
Score: 2
Notes: Table headers in sampled PDFs do allow for easy navigation when tables are read with the screen reader.
Does the bookmarks panel display bookmarks?
Answer: Sometimes
Score: 1
Notes: The Bookmarks panel does not display bookmarks for all sampled PDFs.
Score: 1
Notes: The Bookmarks panel does not display bookmarks for all sampled PDFs.
Do bookmarks link to the correct sections in the document?
Answer: Always
Score: 2
Notes: For the sampled PDFs that do have bookmarks, the bookmarks do link to the correct sections in the document.
Score: 2
Notes: For the sampled PDFs that do have bookmarks, the bookmarks do link to the correct sections in the document.
For videos that contain captions, are transcripts provided?
Answer: Always
Score: 2
Notes: The user would have to click on the YouTube button and view the video on the YouTube platform for a transcript. There is a transcript available below the description area of the YouTube video.
Score: 2
Notes: The user would have to click on the YouTube button and view the video on the YouTube platform for a transcript. There is a transcript available below the description area of the YouTube video.
For videos that do not contain captions, are transcripts provided?
Answer: Not Applicable
Score: -1
Score: -1
Do videos include described video, or if not, is there a text equivalent of the video provided on the same page or via a link?
Answer: Never
Score: 0
Notes: The video does not include an option for described video or provides a transcript that describes the video. However, on the About page where the YouTube video is embedded, there is a summary about the Tourism Cases database and who it's suited for.
Score: 0
Notes: The video does not include an option for described video or provides a transcript that describes the video. However, on the About page where the YouTube video is embedded, there is a summary about the Tourism Cases database and who it's suited for.
If the video includes described video or a text equivalent of the video, is it an accurate description of the video contents?
Answer: Not Applicable
Score: -1
Score: -1
Is a link to a text transcript provided in reasonable proximity to the audio clip?
Answer: Not Applicable
Score: -1
Notes: This database contains no audio files.
Score: -1
Notes: This database contains no audio files.
If a transcript is provided, does it accurately capture the content of the audio?
Answer: Not Applicable
Score: -1
Score: -1