Assessment for Films on Demand by Lambton - Module 1: Interface Appearance

Submitted by Michelle.Koskiā€¦ on
Are the images positioned prominently and easy to find?
Answer: Sometimes
Score: 1
Notes: There is an image icon in the bottom left corner that is used to access the help center and technical support. This is found on most pages.
There is a button or something at the middle of the left margin for "Feedback" which I think is hard to notice. I think that any "Feedback" would be better attached to "Contact Us".

Are there functional images embedded in the background?
Answer: Sometimes
Score: 1
Notes: The "back to top" button in the bottom right corner and the icon for accessing the "Resource Center" seem to be on their own layer or embedded. They do resize when the page is resized, but they do not stay anchored to the location on the actual page relative to the text...instead they stay on the screen like stickers, while the content can be scrolled underneath.
Do informative images contain appropriate alt text or an appropriate textual alternative?
Answer: Always
Score: 2
Notes: The images differentiate the videos available, but are not in of themselves informative.
Where there are icons that do inform, they have side by side text (share, add to file, cite), or alt text (download icon).
Do functional images contain appropriate alt text or an appropriate textual alternative?
Answer: Sometimes
Score: 1
Notes: The icon for the "Resource Center" does not have alt text and there is no adjacent text. The Back to top button DOES have adjacent text.
From the record pages, all the icons under the video pane have adjacent text as well as alt text.

Do images used as text contain appropriate alt text or an appropriate textual alternative?
Answer: Not Applicable
Score: -1
Notes: No images as text.
Are there icons where appropriate, such as icons to indicate PDF Full Text, Download, Folder, Citation, etc?
Answer: Always
Score: 2
Notes: There are many icons, but some are less intuitive than others. The bottom left icon for accessing Help or Technical support might be better equipped with a question mark than a person with a blue head [guessing that is what it is].
Adding or pinning favorites uses a plus "+" symbol rather than the usual folder or pushpin icon.

When zoomed in at 200%, is text intact, readable, and not cut off?
Answer: Sometimes
Score: 1
Notes: The results page has a pair of boxes, "All subjects" and "more filters" that condense into a single "filter option" list at 250%, and the pop up for this combined list, the right edge of this pop up is cut off. For individual item records, at 200% and 250% the side by side text for some icons disappears (Share, Add to, Cite, Create a new segment)., and these options are no longer directly associated with the video itself. The right pane with the transcripts shifts to a location under the video pane, and the options are then placed under the transcripts pane.

This said, the quality of what is on the screen is clear and easy to read.
Are images clear and unpixelated at 200%?
Answer: Always
Score: 2
Is horizontal scrolling minimized at 200%?
Answer: Always
Score: 2
Do text and images have a contrast ratio of at least 4.5:1?
Answer: Always
Score: 2
Notes: There are some contrast errors being noted in dark mode, but the pages always pass, and are showing a contrast ratio of at least 4.5:1 in Wave. The errors noted are typically for red text on the black background of dark mode.
Do colour coded graphs have text equivalents?
Answer: Not Applicable
Score: -1
Notes: There are no graphs in this resource.
Are blocks of content separated from one another using visual separation (such as whitespace or borders)?
Answer: Always
Score: 2
Notes: There are lines dividing some sections from each other.
Are text alternatives provided where colour is used to indicate an action?
Answer: Not Applicable
Score: -1
Notes: Colour is not used to indicate an action.
Is there a choice embedded within the database that offers text to speech or read aloud options?
Answer: Not Applicable
Score: -1
Notes: No HTML text documents.
Using your mouse, is the clickable area around links and buttons large enough for users to see and activate easily?
Answer: Always
Score: 2
Using your mouse to test links, are links and buttons far enough apart for users to accurately activate?
Answer: Always
Score: 2
Using any method to test links, are all links and buttons functional (i.e., not dead)?
Answer: Always
Score: 2
Notes: No sign of broken links
Is all functionality, including navigating between carousel items, operable by keyboard?
Answer: Sometimes
Score: 1
Notes: The carousel is accessed with the tab key and the tab key can access arrow keys attached to the carousel, but you have to hover over the carousel with a mouse to make those arrow keys appear. This is true for the rest of the subject carousels on the home page.
Is the order of the text preserved at all screen resolutions, without overlap?
Answer: Sometimes
Score: 1
Notes: When on smaller screen resolutions, some of the side by side text for icons disappears. For example on a result page for a given subject, there are icons at the top right with text for "Page link" and "Export all titles", and for many of the individual films, there are icons with text for "Preview" "Share" and "Add to". The "Your Profile" icon, present on a desktop screen, disappears altogether from the small iphone screen, but it has been placed under the hamburger menu at the left.
Do images avoid overlapping at all screen resolutions?
Answer: Sometimes
Score: 1
Notes: There are images for buttons that float at all resolutions, such as those for "Feedback" the "Resource Center" and "Back to top". These nearly always over lap part of the screen, but the screen can be scrolled under these buttons...they are never "stuck in place".
Is the overall reading experience preserved at all screen resolutions?
Answer: Always
Score: 2
Notes: The essential features seem to present well at each resolution.
eResource: Films on Demand
eResource Type: Database
Institution: Lambton
Score: C

Key Findings


  • All text and images meet contrast requirements
  • Information is not distorted when zoomed in at 200%


  • Some images contain a textual alternative
  • Some information is preserved at different screen resolutions


Positioning of Images

Question Answer Notes Images
Are the images positioned prominently and easy to find? Sometimes There is an image icon in the bottom left corner that is used to access the help center and technical support. This is found on most pages. There is a button or something at the middle of the left margin for "Feedback" which I think is hard to notice. I think that any "Feedback" would be better attached to "Contact Us".

Functional images embedded in the background

Question Answer Notes Images
Are there functional images embedded in the background? Sometimes The "back to top" button in the bottom right corner and the icon for accessing the "Resource Center" seem to be on their own layer or embedded. They do resize when the page is resized, but they do not stay anchored to the location on the actual page relative to the text...instead they stay on the screen like stickers, while the content can be scrolled underneath.

Presence of Icons

Question Answer Notes Images
Are there icons where appropriate, such as icons to indicate PDF Full Text, Download, Folder, Citation, etc? Always There are many icons, but some are less intuitive than others. The bottom left icon for accessing Help or Technical support might be better equipped with a question mark than a person with a blue head [guessing that is what it is]. Adding or pinning favorites uses a plus "+" symbol rather than the usual folder or pushpin icon.

Alt Text

Question Answer Notes Images
Do informative images contain appropriate alt text or an appropriate textual alternative? Always The images differentiate the videos available, but are not in of themselves informative. Where there are icons that do inform, they have side by side text (share, add to file, cite), or alt text (download icon).
Do functional images contain appropriate alt text or an appropriate textual alternative? Sometimes The icon for the "Resource Center" does not have alt text and there is no adjacent text. The Back to top button DOES have adjacent text. From the record pages, all the icons under the video pane have adjacent text as well as alt text.
Do images used as text contain appropriate alt text or an appropriate textual alternative? Not Applicable No images as text.

Content Scaling

Question Answer Notes Images
When zoomed in at 200%, is text intact, readable, and not cut off? Sometimes The results page has a pair of boxes, "All subjects" and "more filters" that condense into a single "filter option" list at 250%, and the pop up for this combined list, the right edge of this pop up is cut off. For individual item records, at 200% and 250% the side by side text for some icons disappears (Share, Add to, Cite, Create a new segment)., and these options are no longer directly associated with the video itself. The right pane with the transcripts shifts to a location under the video pane, and the options are then placed under the transcripts pane. This said, the quality of what is on the screen is clear and easy to read.
Are images clear and unpixelated at 200%? Always
Is horizontal scrolling minimized at 200%? Always

Colour and Contrast

Question Answer Notes Images
Do text and images have a contrast ratio of at least 4.5:1? Always There are some contrast errors being noted in dark mode, but the pages always pass, and are showing a contrast ratio of at least 4.5:1 in Wave. The errors noted are typically for red text on the black background of dark mode.


Question Answer Notes Images
Do colour coded graphs have text equivalents? Not Applicable There are no graphs in this resource.
Are blocks of content separated from one another using visual separation (such as whitespace or borders)? Always There are lines dividing some sections from each other.
Are text alternatives provided where colour is used to indicate an action? Not Applicable Colour is not used to indicate an action.

Text to speech

Question Answer Notes Images
Is there a choice embedded within the database that offers text to speech or read aloud options? Not Applicable No HTML text documents.

Clustered Links

Question Answer Notes Images
Using your mouse, is the clickable area around links and buttons large enough for users to see and activate easily? Always
Using your mouse to test links, are links and buttons far enough apart for users to accurately activate? Always
Using any method to test links, are all links and buttons functional (i.e., not dead)? Always No sign of broken links
Are links or buttons accessible via keyboard navigation? Sometimes The floating icons for "feedback", the "Resource Center" and [return to the top] do not seem to be accessible via keyboard navigation.

Dynamic content

Question Answer Notes Images
Can users pause carousel movement? Never There is a carousel on the home page. It moves automatically. There is no button to pause the carousel that is available to NVDA. There are contextual arrow buttons on either side of the carousel, but you must mouse over them to see them, so they are not apparent to a screen reader, and they are still not "pause" buttons.
Is all functionality, including navigating between carousel items, operable by keyboard? Sometimes The carousel is accessed with the tab key and the tab key can access arrow keys attached to the carousel, but you have to hover over the carousel with a mouse to make those arrow keys appear. This is true for the rest of the subject carousels on the home page.

Liquid layout

Question Answer Notes Images
Is the order of the text preserved at all screen resolutions, without overlap? Sometimes When on smaller screen resolutions, some of the side by side text for icons disappears. For example on a result page for a given subject, there are icons at the top right with text for "Page link" and "Export all titles", and for many of the individual films, there are icons with text for "Preview" "Share" and "Add to". The "Your Profile" icon, present on a desktop screen, disappears altogether from the small iphone screen, but it has been placed under the hamburger menu at the left.
Do images avoid overlapping at all screen resolutions? Sometimes There are images for buttons that float at all resolutions, such as those for "Feedback" the "Resource Center" and "Back to top". These nearly always over lap part of the screen, but the screen can be scrolled under these buttons...they are never "stuck in place".
Is the overall reading experience preserved at all screen resolutions? Always The essential features seem to present well at each resolution.