Are the sampled PDFs image-only?
Answer: Never
Score: 2
Notes: All PDFs in the sample had both searchable and extractable text. However, of note was that the oldest article in the sample (from 1979) did not have extraction programmed correctly. Two adjacent lines in columns were treated as one line of text.
Score: 2
Notes: All PDFs in the sample had both searchable and extractable text. However, of note was that the oldest article in the sample (from 1979) did not have extraction programmed correctly. Two adjacent lines in columns were treated as one line of text.
Are the sampled PDFs locked (secured)?
Answer: Never
Score: 2
Notes: All PDFs in the sample had extractable text. However, of note was that the oldest article in the sample (from 1979) did not have extraction programmed correctly. Two adjacent lines in columns were treated as one line of text.
Score: 2
Notes: All PDFs in the sample had extractable text. However, of note was that the oldest article in the sample (from 1979) did not have extraction programmed correctly. Two adjacent lines in columns were treated as one line of text.
Are the sampled PDFs fully searchable?
Answer: Always
Score: 2
Notes: All PDFs in the sample had searchable text.
Score: 2
Notes: All PDFs in the sample had searchable text.
Are alternative descriptions provided?
Answer: Never
Score: 0
Notes: According to the report, no articles in the sample pass any aspect of the Alternative Text in the Accessibility Check.
Score: 0
Notes: According to the report, no articles in the sample pass any aspect of the Alternative Text in the Accessibility Check.
Is primary language specified?
Answer: Never
Score: 0
Notes: According to the report, no pdf articles in the sample indicate primary language.
Score: 0
Notes: According to the report, no pdf articles in the sample indicate primary language.
Is reliable character encoding provided?
Answer: Sometimes
Score: 1
Notes: According to the report, most characters in the sample were encoded properly. However the characters that weren't encoded were inconsistent between articles (although they were consistent within each article). One article had trouble with the dot that indicates a new item on a list, while another had poor coding for apostrophes and dashes. In other articles each of these features were encoded properly and passed the check.
Score: 1
Notes: According to the report, most characters in the sample were encoded properly. However the characters that weren't encoded were inconsistent between articles (although they were consistent within each article). One article had trouble with the dot that indicates a new item on a list, while another had poor coding for apostrophes and dashes. In other articles each of these features were encoded properly and passed the check.
Are all page elements tagged?
Answer: Sometimes
Score: 1
Notes: Most of the elements checked in the report about tagging failed on all articles in the sample. Forms, multimedia, and annotations were the most likely to pass, but may be in part due to the lack of forms, multimedia, and annotations not being used in the articles in the sample.
Score: 1
Notes: Most of the elements checked in the report about tagging failed on all articles in the sample. Forms, multimedia, and annotations were the most likely to pass, but may be in part due to the lack of forms, multimedia, and annotations not being used in the articles in the sample.
Are list and table structure correct?
Answer: Never
Score: 0
Notes: There was not a single passed item in the tables and lists sections of any of the articles in the sample.
Score: 0
Notes: There was not a single passed item in the tables and lists sections of any of the articles in the sample.
Does the Read Out Loud function read the PDF in a logical way, preserving the order of the text and various sections?
Answer: Sometimes
Score: 1
Notes: The read aloud program follows the order of the page, even following columns on the article that failed to extract the text following the column format. Although, in an article that extracted perfectly there was an instance of the reader switching between columns one line at a time. Something that did not make sense initially was reading figures or tables after the main text on the page was completely read, if this is common practice then it would be logical/expected to a screen reader user and not actually an issue.
Score: 1
Notes: The read aloud program follows the order of the page, even following columns on the article that failed to extract the text following the column format. Although, in an article that extracted perfectly there was an instance of the reader switching between columns one line at a time. Something that did not make sense initially was reading figures or tables after the main text on the page was completely read, if this is common practice then it would be logical/expected to a screen reader user and not actually an issue.
Does the Read out Loud function avoid problematic elements such as excessive blank spaces read as “blank”?
Answer: Sometimes
Score: 1
Notes: The oldest article in the sample had a little bit of 'garbage' in the read aloud. In a small part of the article it would read a number (that was not visible) at the beginning or end of line of text. The reading of footnote or endnote numbers was startling to a new user. Otherwise the most problematic (and consistent feature) was in most cases read aloud sections were one line long which made a small pause after each line ended, even if it was in the middle of a sentence. There were some examples of multiple lines of text being included in a single section which made the reading fluid.
Score: 1
Notes: The oldest article in the sample had a little bit of 'garbage' in the read aloud. In a small part of the article it would read a number (that was not visible) at the beginning or end of line of text. The reading of footnote or endnote numbers was startling to a new user. Otherwise the most problematic (and consistent feature) was in most cases read aloud sections were one line long which made a small pause after each line ended, even if it was in the middle of a sentence. There were some examples of multiple lines of text being included in a single section which made the reading fluid.
Are the controls consistent and effective for navigating through the document?
Answer: Sometimes
Score: 1
Notes: For all articles in the sample, each page was formatted as a document so the read to end of page and read to end of the documents commands accomplished the same thing. The pause feature worked just fine. Arrow keys only had effect on what was being read if the cursor was involved, otherwise they would move the page so a person could follow along.
Score: 1
Notes: For all articles in the sample, each page was formatted as a document so the read to end of page and read to end of the documents commands accomplished the same thing. The pause feature worked just fine. Arrow keys only had effect on what was being read if the cursor was involved, otherwise they would move the page so a person could follow along.
When zooming in to 250%, does all text, images, tables, and other elements appear clear and easy to read?
Answer: Always
Score: 2
Score: 2
Are the images positioned prominently and easy to find?
Answer: Sometimes
Score: 1
Notes: Logos are in some cases found in corners, otherwise images are prominent and easy to find.
Score: 1
Notes: Logos are in some cases found in corners, otherwise images are prominent and easy to find.
Do informative images contain appropriate alt text or an appropriate textual alternative?
Answer: Never
Score: 0
Notes: No alt text for images within sample. Relied on Figure caption.
Score: 0
Notes: No alt text for images within sample. Relied on Figure caption.
Do images used as titles contain appropriate alt text or an appropriate textual alternative?
Answer: Always
Score: 2
Score: 2
Do rich images contain appropriate alt text or an appropriate textual alternative?
Answer: Never
Score: 0
Notes: No alt text for rich images within sample. Relied on Figure caption.
Score: 0
Notes: No alt text for rich images within sample. Relied on Figure caption.
Are tables tagged and described with in-text summaries where appropriate?
Answer: Sometimes
Score: 1
Notes: The reading order is done row by row but it is not tagged and can not be moved through using tabs.
Score: 1
Notes: The reading order is done row by row but it is not tagged and can not be moved through using tabs.
Do table headers allow for easy navigation with screen readers?
Answer: Never
Score: 0
Notes: Table headers not included
Score: 0
Notes: Table headers not included
Does the bookmarks panel display bookmarks?
Answer: Never
Score: 0
Score: 0
Do bookmarks link to the correct sections in the document?
Answer: Never
Score: 0
Notes: Bookmarks not used. Cannot evaluate link accuracy.
Score: 0
Notes: Bookmarks not used. Cannot evaluate link accuracy.
Are videos captioned?
Answer: Not Applicable
Score: -1
Notes: eResource does not contain videos.
Score: -1
Notes: eResource does not contain videos.
If captions are closed, and need to be turned on by the user, is that process straightforward and intuitive?
Answer: Not Applicable
Score: -1
Notes: eResource does not contain videos.
Score: -1
Notes: eResource does not contain videos.
Are captions typo-free and grammatically correct (unless slang and grammatical errors are intentionally used in the video)?
Answer: Not Applicable
Score: -1
Notes: eResource does not contain videos.
Score: -1
Notes: eResource does not contain videos.
Does caption placement avoid blocking any important visual components necessary to understand the video?
Answer: Not Applicable
Score: -1
Notes: eResource does not contain videos.
Score: -1
Notes: eResource does not contain videos.
Are the captions in sync with spoken words?
Answer: Not Applicable
Score: -1
Notes: eResource does not contain videos.
Score: -1
Notes: eResource does not contain videos.
For videos that contain captions, are transcripts provided?
Answer: Not Applicable
Score: -1
Notes: eResource does not contain videos.
Score: -1
Notes: eResource does not contain videos.
For videos that do not contain captions, are transcripts provided?
Answer: Not Applicable
Score: -1
Notes: eResource does not contain videos.
Score: -1
Notes: eResource does not contain videos.
Do videos include described video, or if not, is there a text equivalent of the video provided on the same page or via a link?
Answer: Not Applicable
Score: -1
Notes: eResource does not contain videos.
Score: -1
Notes: eResource does not contain videos.
If the video includes described video or a text equivalent of the video, is it an accurate description of the video contents?
Answer: Not Applicable
Score: -1
Notes: eResource does not contain videos.
Score: -1
Notes: eResource does not contain videos.
Is a link to a text transcript provided in reasonable proximity to the audio clip?
Answer: Not Applicable
Score: -1
Notes: eResource does not contain audio clips.
Score: -1
Notes: eResource does not contain audio clips.
If a transcript is provided, does it accurately capture the content of the audio?
Answer: Not Applicable
Score: -1
Notes: eResource does not contain audio clips.
Score: -1
Notes: eResource does not contain audio clips.