Are the sampled PDFs image-only?
Answer: Never
Score: 2
Notes: Even the oldest (from the 19th century) has been OCR'd so the text is searchable.
Score: 2
Notes: Even the oldest (from the 19th century) has been OCR'd so the text is searchable.
Are the sampled PDFs locked (secured)?
Answer: Never
Score: 2
Score: 2
Are the sampled PDFs fully searchable?
Answer: Always
Score: 2
Notes: Yes, with the caveat that the database contains content that is over a century old, and has obviously been scanned/ocr'd. Some older content may not search as accurately as needed.
Score: 2
Notes: Yes, with the caveat that the database contains content that is over a century old, and has obviously been scanned/ocr'd. Some older content may not search as accurately as needed.
Are alternative descriptions provided?
Answer: Never
Score: 0
Notes: All sampled PDFs displayed issues with alt-text in the Acrobat accessibility check report.
Score: 0
Notes: All sampled PDFs displayed issues with alt-text in the Acrobat accessibility check report.
Is primary language specified?
Answer: Never
Score: 0
Notes: Failed on all inspected PDFs.
Score: 0
Notes: Failed on all inspected PDFs.
Is reliable character encoding provided?
Answer: Sometimes
Score: 1
Notes: Some PDF documents passed, some failed.
Score: 1
Notes: Some PDF documents passed, some failed.
Are all page elements tagged?
Answer: Never
Score: 0
Notes: All sampled PDFs failed the tagged PDF test.
Score: 0
Notes: All sampled PDFs failed the tagged PDF test.
Are list and table structure correct?
Answer: Never
Score: 0
Notes: All sampled PDFs had a fail on this part of the accessibility test.
Score: 0
Notes: All sampled PDFs had a fail on this part of the accessibility test.
Does the Read Out Loud function read the PDF in a logical way, preserving the order of the text and various sections?
Answer: Never
Score: 0
Notes: Read Aloud reads only a sentence that runs down side of the PDF, about the download details. It does not read the main content of the pdf.
Score: 0
Notes: Read Aloud reads only a sentence that runs down side of the PDF, about the download details. It does not read the main content of the pdf.
Does the Read out Loud function avoid problematic elements such as excessive blank spaces read as “blank”?
Answer: Never
Score: 0
Notes: No actual content read. just information about when/who downloaded it and from where. Reads as gibberish.
Score: 0
Notes: No actual content read. just information about when/who downloaded it and from where. Reads as gibberish.
Are the controls consistent and effective for navigating through the document?
Answer: Always
Score: 2
Score: 2
When zooming in to 250%, does all text, images, tables, and other elements appear clear and easy to read?
Answer: Sometimes
Score: 1
Notes: There is some slight loss of clarity in the very old scanned/OCR'd content (pre 1900s), but still mostly readable.
Score: 1
Notes: There is some slight loss of clarity in the very old scanned/OCR'd content (pre 1900s), but still mostly readable.
Are the images positioned prominently and easy to find?
Answer: Not Applicable
Score: -1
Notes: No meaningful images in the sample.
Score: -1
Notes: No meaningful images in the sample.
Do informative images contain appropriate alt text or an appropriate textual alternative?
Answer: Not Applicable
Score: -1
Notes: No informative images
Score: -1
Notes: No informative images
Do images used as titles contain appropriate alt text or an appropriate textual alternative?
Answer: Not Applicable
Score: -1
Notes: No images used as titles
Score: -1
Notes: No images used as titles
Do rich images contain appropriate alt text or an appropriate textual alternative?
Answer: Not Applicable
Score: -1
Notes: No rich images encountered
Score: -1
Notes: No rich images encountered
Are tables tagged and described with in-text summaries where appropriate?
Answer: Never
Score: 0
Notes: While no tables are visible in any of the articles, acrobat still indicates issues with table content.
Score: 0
Notes: While no tables are visible in any of the articles, acrobat still indicates issues with table content.
Do table headers allow for easy navigation with screen readers?
Answer: Not Applicable
Score: -1
Notes: While no tables are visible in any of the articles, acrobat still indicates issues with table content.
Score: -1
Notes: While no tables are visible in any of the articles, acrobat still indicates issues with table content.
Does the bookmarks panel display bookmarks?
Answer: Never
Score: 0
Notes: No bookmarks visible in any of the sampled PDFs
Score: 0
Notes: No bookmarks visible in any of the sampled PDFs
Do bookmarks link to the correct sections in the document?
Answer: Not Applicable
Score: -1
Notes: No bookmarks present
Score: -1
Notes: No bookmarks present
Are videos captioned?
Answer: Not Applicable
Score: -1
Notes: No videos available in the content we subscribe to. Primarily an article/book database.
Score: -1
Notes: No videos available in the content we subscribe to. Primarily an article/book database.
If captions are closed, and need to be turned on by the user, is that process straightforward and intuitive?
Answer: Not Applicable
Score: -1
Notes: No videos available in the content we subscribe to.
Score: -1
Notes: No videos available in the content we subscribe to.
Are captions typo-free and grammatically correct (unless slang and grammatical errors are intentionally used in the video)?
Answer: Not Applicable
Score: -1
Notes: No videos available in the content we subscribe to.
Score: -1
Notes: No videos available in the content we subscribe to.
Does caption placement avoid blocking any important visual components necessary to understand the video?
Answer: Not Applicable
Score: -1
Notes: No videos available in the content we subscribe to.
Score: -1
Notes: No videos available in the content we subscribe to.
Are the captions in sync with spoken words?
Answer: Not Applicable
Score: -1
Notes: No videos available in the content we subscribe to.
Score: -1
Notes: No videos available in the content we subscribe to.
For videos that contain captions, are transcripts provided?
Answer: Not Applicable
Score: -1
Notes: No videos available in the content we subscribe to.
Score: -1
Notes: No videos available in the content we subscribe to.
For videos that do not contain captions, are transcripts provided?
Answer: Not Applicable
Score: -1
Notes: No videos available in the content we subscribe to.
Score: -1
Notes: No videos available in the content we subscribe to.
Do videos include described video, or if not, is there a text equivalent of the video provided on the same page or via a link?
Answer: Not Applicable
Score: -1
Notes: No videos available in the content we subscribe to.
Score: -1
Notes: No videos available in the content we subscribe to.
If the video includes described video or a text equivalent of the video, is it an accurate description of the video contents?
Answer: Not Applicable
Score: -1
Notes: No videos available in the content we subscribe to.
Score: -1
Notes: No videos available in the content we subscribe to.
Is a link to a text transcript provided in reasonable proximity to the audio clip?
Answer: Not Applicable
Score: -1
Notes: No videos available in the content we subscribe to.
Score: -1
Notes: No videos available in the content we subscribe to.
If a transcript is provided, does it accurately capture the content of the audio?
Answer: Not Applicable
Score: -1
Notes: No videos available in the content we subscribe to.
Score: -1
Notes: No videos available in the content we subscribe to.