Are the sampled PDFs image-only?
Answer: Never
Score: 2
Score: 2
Are the sampled PDFs locked (secured)?
Answer: Never
Score: 2
Score: 2
Are the sampled PDFs fully searchable?
Answer: Always
Score: 2
Score: 2
Are alternative descriptions provided?
Answer: Sometimes
Score: 1
Notes: Adobe accessibility checker indicated 5 alternate text issues/failures.
Score: 1
Notes: Adobe accessibility checker indicated 5 alternate text issues/failures.
Is primary language specified?
Answer: Always
Score: 2
Score: 2
Is reliable character encoding provided?
Answer: Always
Score: 2
Score: 2
Are all page elements tagged?
Answer: Never
Score: 0
Notes: Accessibility checker indicated all tagged content and annotation failed.
Score: 0
Notes: Accessibility checker indicated all tagged content and annotation failed.
Are list and table structure correct?
Answer: Sometimes
Score: 1
Notes: Accessibility checker indicates 4 table issues and 2 list issues.
Score: 1
Notes: Accessibility checker indicates 4 table issues and 2 list issues.
Does the Read Out Loud function read the PDF in a logical way, preserving the order of the text and various sections?
Answer: Always
Score: 2
Score: 2
Does the Read out Loud function avoid problematic elements such as excessive blank spaces read as “blank”?
Answer: Always
Score: 2
Score: 2
Are the controls consistent and effective for navigating through the document?
Answer: Always
Score: 2
Score: 2
When zooming in to 250%, does all text, images, tables, and other elements appear clear and easy to read?
Answer: Always
Score: 2
Score: 2
Are the images positioned prominently and easy to find?
Answer: Not Applicable
Score: -1
Notes: Images were not present in the sample documents.
Score: -1
Notes: Images were not present in the sample documents.
Do informative images contain appropriate alt text or an appropriate textual alternative?
Answer: Not Applicable
Score: -1
Notes: Informational images were largely absent from this resource and its sample documents.
Score: -1
Notes: Informational images were largely absent from this resource and its sample documents.
Do images used as titles contain appropriate alt text or an appropriate textual alternative?
Answer: Sometimes
Score: 1
Notes: Accessibility checker indicated a title failure.
Score: 1
Notes: Accessibility checker indicated a title failure.
Do rich images contain appropriate alt text or an appropriate textual alternative?
Answer: Not Applicable
Score: -1
Notes: Rich images were not present.
Score: -1
Notes: Rich images were not present.
Are tables tagged and described with in-text summaries where appropriate?
Answer: Not Applicable
Score: -1
Notes: Tables were not present.
Score: -1
Notes: Tables were not present.
Do table headers allow for easy navigation with screen readers?
Answer: Not Applicable
Score: -1
Notes: Tables were not present.
Score: -1
Notes: Tables were not present.
Does the bookmarks panel display bookmarks?
Answer: Always
Score: 2
Notes: Yes, but only a single one for the document title.
Score: 2
Notes: Yes, but only a single one for the document title.
Do bookmarks link to the correct sections in the document?
Answer: Always
Score: 2
Score: 2
For videos that contain captions, are transcripts provided?
Answer: Not Applicable
Score: -1
Notes: Videos content was not present.
Score: -1
Notes: Videos content was not present.
For videos that do not contain captions, are transcripts provided?
Answer: Not Applicable
Score: -1
Notes: Videos content was not present.
Score: -1
Notes: Videos content was not present.
Do videos include described video, or if not, is there a text equivalent of the video provided on the same page or via a link?
Answer: Not Applicable
Score: -1
Notes: Described video was not present.
Score: -1
Notes: Described video was not present.
If the video includes described video or a text equivalent of the video, is it an accurate description of the video contents?
Answer: Not Applicable
Score: -1
Notes: Described video was not present.
Score: -1
Notes: Described video was not present.
Is a link to a text transcript provided in reasonable proximity to the audio clip?
Answer: Not Applicable
Score: -1
Notes: Audio clips were not present.
Score: -1
Notes: Audio clips were not present.
If a transcript is provided, does it accurately capture the content of the audio?
Answer: Not Applicable
Score: -1
Notes: Audio clips were not present.
Score: -1
Notes: Audio clips were not present.