Are descriptions for fields and boxes easy to understand?
Answer: Never
Score: 0
Notes: Not present in search box.
Are labels placed above the user input fields and clearly associated with each field?
Answer: Never
Score: 0
Notes: Not present
Are text cues for coloured form control labels available?
Answer: Never
Score: 0
Notes: No instructions visible
Are other visual indicators provided consistently, such as an asterisk for required form fields?
Answer: Never
Score: 0
Are alert messages clearly visible to the user, either at the top of the form field, inline, or through a dialog box?
Answer: Always
Score: 2
Notes: In the main search tool, provide top of page alert and dialog box.
Do alert messages clearly indicate the field in which the error has occurred and a description of the error and the fix?
Answer: Always
Score: 2
Notes: Gives search suggestions/tips
Is the user able to easily access the user input field to correct the error?
Answer: Always
Score: 2
Is the user able to resubmit the form and re-validate their submission?
Answer: Sometimes
Score: 1
Notes: Resubmit, no confirmation
Do error reports follow a logical reading and navigation order?
Answer: Always
Score: 2
When a user spells a word incorrectly, does the search function offer spelling suggestions or synonyms?
Answer: Always
Score: 2
Are icons such as to save, download, or print consistent across the site?
Answer: Always
Score: 2
Is alternative text clear and consistent for each icon type?
Answer: Sometimes
Score: 1
Notes: Drop down arrow icons have no associated alt-text. Printer and help yes.
Are actions consistently labelled across the site? For example, the “search” button is always labeled “search”.
Answer: Sometimes
Score: 1
Notes: Icons are consistent but do not have associated alt-text
Are icons that have adjacent links consistent?
Answer: Always
Score: 2
Can the purpose of each link be determined from the link text alone?
Answer: Sometimes
Score: 1
Does the eresource have a consistent layout and navigation across all pages?
Answer: Always
Score: 2
Are search fields located in the same places throughout the website?
Answer: Always
Score: 2
Do other features occur in the same place throughout the website?
Answer: Always
Score: 2
Notes: top header and footer remain wherever you are
Does the electronic resource avoid the use of pop-up windows which open automatically in a new tab if a user clicks on a button?
Answer: Sometimes
Score: 1
Notes: Lexi-Interact product opens in new tab. Did not evaluate this add-on product
Does the database avoid launching pop-up windows automatically when the database is loaded?
Answer: Always
Score: 2
Where pop-ups occur, are users able to postpone or suppress any pop-ups?
Answer: Not Applicable
Score: -1
Notes: I don't know
Does the database avoid launching pages in a new browser window with the usual browser controls missing?
Answer: Never
Score: 0
Is page content subdivided hierarchically into appropriate headings and tagged appropriately?
Answer: Sometimes
Score: 1
Notes: One first level heading, 5 unordered lists
Are headings concise and clear, and accurately reflect the content under that heading?
Answer: Never
Score: 0
Notes: only a single 1st level heading
Does the main navigation and drop-downs contain a reasonable number of menu items?
Answer: Sometimes
Score: 1
Notes: Some of the drop-down content is highlighted in in boxes on the main page. Some inconsistent language (Clin-tools >>Interactive Clinical Tools) is highlighted as Clinical Tools.
Some drop-down items have as many as three additional side expanding options.
Some drop-down sections show full alphabetical lists
Can all menus and submenus be accessed with screen readers and via keyboard navigation?
Answer: Never
Score: 0
Notes: Wasn't able to successful navigate drop-down menus with speech reader
Does the “results” page or item record view avoid opening in a new tab without a warning?
Answer: Always
Score: 2
Is there an "update now" button that requests a refresh of content rather than automatically updating the content?
Answer: Never
Score: 0
Notes: Automatically updates
Does the database avoid automatic redirection?
Answer: Never
Score: 0
Notes: Did not find
Does the database avoid launching new windows when a component receives focus?
Answer: Always
Score: 2
Does the database avoid change of focus when a component receives focus?
Answer: Always
Score: 2
Are you able to tab through a page using keyboard navigation without the keyboard focus moving away from the control?
Answer: Never
Score: 0
Notes: Keyboard navigation poor