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The Library eResources Accessibility Portal (LEAP) is an assessment tool that allows library staff at participating institutions to evaluate the accessibility of library eresources, and provides a growing repository of accessibility assessment reports that library staff can review to help make acquisition decisions, support library users, and advocate for accessible eresources. As of Summer 2024, four Ontario university partners have joined the Ontario college libraries in contributing assessments.

The LEAP assessment tool was launched in April 2020. It was developed to assist college libraries in upholding accessibility best practices and achieving compliance with the requirements of the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) for ensuring the accessibility of electronic resources (IASR, 2011, s. 18(3)). You can find out more about the history of LEAP on the LEAP OCLS service page.


As of May 2024, 189 assessments have been completed and are available in the assessment repository.


With OCLS’s support, LEAP is directed by College Libraries Ontario, with work falling under the purview of the LEAP Steering Committee.


Contact LEAP  

To get in touch about the LEAP service, please contact us. 



For an introduction to using the LEAP assessment tool and other training videos, please see the LEAP Training Series YouTube playlist.


Content on the LEAP site, including assessment reports, is licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0


Recent Assessments

eResource Created Changed
Music Online: Listening Package
Birds of the World
Aesthetic VideoSource (VideoShelf)
4 Seasons of Reconciliation
ACLS Humanities eBook
FP Advisor
Art and Architecture Archive
ASM Handbooks Online
Scott's Directories
ASME Standards
Environment Complete
Building Green
Criminal Justice Abstracts with Full Text
Choice Reviews
Canadian Literary Centre
SAGE Business Cases
Teen Health & Wellness
Knovel (Elsevier)