Are the sampled PDFs image-only?
Answer: Never
Score: 2
Score: 2
Are the sampled PDFs locked (secured)?
Answer: Never
Score: 2
Notes: The tested samples of 5 PDFs are searchable and extractable.
Score: 2
Notes: The tested samples of 5 PDFs are searchable and extractable.
Are the sampled PDFs fully searchable?
Answer: Always
Score: 2
Score: 2
Are alternative descriptions provided?
Answer: Sometimes
Score: 1
Notes: The report of all 5 PDFs tested is indicating that the test of alternate text associated with some content has failed.
Score: 1
Notes: The report of all 5 PDFs tested is indicating that the test of alternate text associated with some content has failed.
Is primary language specified?
Answer: Always
Score: 2
Score: 2
Is reliable character encoding provided?
Answer: Always
Score: 2
Score: 2
Are all page elements tagged?
Answer: Sometimes
Score: 1
Notes: According to the report, not all annotations are tagged.
Score: 1
Notes: According to the report, not all annotations are tagged.
Are list and table structure correct?
Answer: Always
Score: 2
Score: 2
Does the Read Out Loud function read the PDF in a logical way, preserving the order of the text and various sections?
Answer: Always
Score: 2
Score: 2
Does the Read out Loud function avoid problematic elements such as excessive blank spaces read as “blank”?
Answer: Always
Score: 2
Score: 2
Are the controls consistent and effective for navigating through the document?
Answer: Always
Score: 2
Score: 2
When zooming in to 250%, does all text, images, tables, and other elements appear clear and easy to read?
Answer: Sometimes
Score: 1
Notes: Not always. Some images and logos appear blurry and pixelated, starting at zooming 175%.
Score: 1
Notes: Not always. Some images and logos appear blurry and pixelated, starting at zooming 175%.
Are the images positioned prominently and easy to find?
Answer: Always
Score: 2
Score: 2
Do informative images contain appropriate alt text or an appropriate textual alternative?
Answer: Always
Score: 2
Score: 2
Do images used as titles contain appropriate alt text or an appropriate textual alternative?
Answer: Always
Score: 2
Score: 2
Do rich images contain appropriate alt text or an appropriate textual alternative?
Answer: Never
Score: 0
Notes: None of the rich images on tested PDFs have alt text.
Score: 0
Notes: None of the rich images on tested PDFs have alt text.
Are tables tagged and described with in-text summaries where appropriate?
Answer: Sometimes
Score: 1
Notes: Overall, the software picks up the content of the table row by row when using the keyboard navigation, but sometimes it skips to read the titles, reading only the word "table" and the number of it.
Score: 1
Notes: Overall, the software picks up the content of the table row by row when using the keyboard navigation, but sometimes it skips to read the titles, reading only the word "table" and the number of it.
Do table headers allow for easy navigation with screen readers?
Answer: Always
Score: 2
Notes: Sampled PDFs allow for easy navigation of table headers.
Score: 2
Notes: Sampled PDFs allow for easy navigation of table headers.
Does the bookmarks panel display bookmarks?
Answer: Always
Score: 2
Score: 2
Do bookmarks link to the correct sections in the document?
Answer: Always
Score: 2
Score: 2
For videos that contain captions, are transcripts provided?
Answer: Sometimes
Score: 1
Notes: Ony for videos that are provided directly by SAGE.
Score: 1
Notes: Ony for videos that are provided directly by SAGE.
For videos that do not contain captions, are transcripts provided?
Answer: Not Applicable
Score: -1
Score: -1
Do videos include described video, or if not, is there a text equivalent of the video provided on the same page or via a link?
Answer: Sometimes
Score: 1
Notes: Only SAGE embedded videos provide description of the video in the transcripts.
The rest types of videos are missing any description.
Score: 1
Notes: Only SAGE embedded videos provide description of the video in the transcripts.
The rest types of videos are missing any description.
If the video includes described video or a text equivalent of the video, is it an accurate description of the video contents?
Answer: Always
Score: 2
Score: 2
Is a link to a text transcript provided in reasonable proximity to the audio clip?
Answer: Not Applicable
Score: -1
Notes: This eResource does not have audio clips.
Score: -1
Notes: This eResource does not have audio clips.
If a transcript is provided, does it accurately capture the content of the audio?
Answer: Not Applicable
Score: -1
Score: -1